2021: Re:present
02. - 07.08.2021
Ghizlaine Agzenai
Jolly Schwarz, Tim König
Weltmuseum Vienna
various spots in Vienna
Re:Present finds its roots in the current new waves of political illiberalism, social polarisation, and the obsession with security. In the wake of growing divisions and polarisations, it seems fundamental to look at the heterogeneity of our shared pasts.
Indeed, these trends find their roots in centuries of colonial past, cultural appropriation and subjugation of collective memories. For too long realities have been taken out of their native contexts, leading to skewed representations of identities, cultures and peoples. These misrepresentations have caused many divides in our societies, manifested through racism, xenophobia or the “othering” of those who do not share our same customs or traditions. Undeniably, the time has come to reclaim and rethink the history and agency of those who were dispossessed and subordinated by Imperialism in its various forms.
Live Paintings
Featured artists
Rossel Chaslie
Samira Said
Ricardo Hackl
Angelo Kreuzberger
Olivier Hölzl
Mahir Jamal
Kids of the Diaspora
Ju Mu Monster
Theic Licuado
Through a number of artworks in the public space as well as some inside the Weltmuseum Wien, international and local artists will have the opportunity to present new visual worlds and novel patterns of interpretation of their socio-cultural realities and their peoples’ collective memories. Specifically, this edition’s artworks aim to foster honest dialogue, to overcome stereotypes shaped by art history, and to come closer to the deconstruction of hegemonic imagery.

Exhibition Project with Weltmuseum Wien
Re:Present was the exhibition project of the Calle Libre Street Art Festival in cooperation with Weltmuseum Wien. Activists and artists - among others from the street art scene - take an artistic stance on topics such as racism, colonialism and representations of oneself and others in the imperial spaces of the Weltmuseum Wien.
Unlearning racism
Featured artists
Rossel Chaslie
Samira Said
Ricardo Hackl
Angelo Kreuzberger
Olivier Hölzl
Mahir Jamal
Kids of the Diaspora
Ju Mu Monster
Theic Licuado
How do we unlearn Racism?
“In this way, we can transform the museum from a physical place into a cultural space of dialogue, participation, and artistic creation, at the same time proposing a critical evaluation of the museum itself in the light of its postcolonial heritage.
Transcultural movements such as Black Lives Matter have recently shown us that it is possible and necessary to illuminate, address, and combat historical and conventional forms of xenophobia and racism. This interventionist exhibition tests a new strategy and critical approach to curatorial practice within an ethnological museum that aims to renew and expand understandings of equality and diversity in our society.
This complex question touches on political, ethical, and emotional issues that need to be considered from many perspectives.
Therefore, in this exhibition, artists speak for themselves not only through their works but also in texts. The introductory question is intended to be food for thought in the museum itself, which as a space with an explicit history has contributed to the construction of images of the so-called “other”.
On display are works by national and inter- national artists whose forms of expression and materials were focused exclusively thematically. They combine techniques such as wall painting, assemblage, sculpture, illustration, (light) installation, photography, video, performance, workshop and cultural education. Through the context of objects from the museum’s collections, we start a discussion about what it takes to visualize, question, and subvert institutionalized forms of racism.”
Nadja Haumberger, Jakob Kattner / Curators
The exhibition project’s aim was to create a platform for an artistic discourse on the cultural legacy of colonialism and the consequences for the countries affected by the exploitation of their (human) resources. With this exhibition project, Calle Libre and the Weltmuseum Wien want to facilitate dialogue. To this end, activists are invited to actively contribute critical voices and empowerment initiatives to the exhibition.
The works, some of which will be created directly on the walls of the exhibition spaces, create connections to other works in public space that were created in 2021 and in recent years as part of the Calle Libre Festival. Eleven artistic positions by international artists and photographers will be on display at the Weltmuseum Wien. In particular, the artworks aim to promote an honest dialogue on difficult topics inside and outside the museum.
Material: Mineral colours on wall
“Allow us to reintroduce ourselves” is an illustrative portrayal of moments of Black Austrian history by Black history experts, creatives and cultural workers from across Europe and the Black diaspora. Curator Tonica Hunter brings together historian and journalist Vanessa Spanbauer and visual artist Rossel Chaslie in this collaboration.
Curated by: Tonica Hunter
Historian: Vanessa Spanbauer
Artistic Assistance: Mercedes Mercedes-Mercedes
Here you can listen to the audio commentaries by:
Tonica Hunter (on the curatorial process)
Rossel Chaslie (on his artistic approach)
Vanessa Spanbauer (on constructing a Black History timeline)
Mireille Ngosso (an introduction to Black Austrian History) corresponding with the illustrations
A selection of participating artists
Curated by: Tonica Hunter
Historian: Vanessa Spanbauer
Artistic assistance: Mercedes Mercedes-Mercedes
Illustrations on wall
Stencil picture
Mixed Media
Wall Painting and Performance at the Open House
Dance performance at the Open House
Wall Painting
Spraypaint on wood
Wall painting
Live paintings
Through a number of artworks in the public space as well as some inside the Weltmuseum Wien, international and local artists will have the opportunity to present new visual worlds and novel patterns of interpretation of their socio-cultural realities and their peoples’ collective memories. Specifically, this edition’s artworks aim to foster honest dialogue, to overcome stereotypes shaped by art history, and to come closer to the deconstruction of hegemonic imagery.