hfA sTudiO & Julia presslAue


Julia Presslauer, an Austrian artist, illustrator and designer, and is participating in Calle Libre 2024, street art festival in Vienna
Fabian Fati Dankl from HFA studio and Julia Presslauer will collaborate on Calle Libre 2024 mural

Julia Presslauer is an Artist, Illustrator and Designer living in Vienna. 

She studied graphic design and advertising at University of Applied Arts Vienna but was drawn to printmaking later on – and still combines the two disciplines: the conceptual thinking of advertising and the visual thinking of printmaking, resulting in illustrations as minimalist as possible, but as complex as necessary.

Julia frequently works together with HFA–Studio, a design studio specializing in branding, illustration and murals. They collaborate with clients in an intersection of culture, art and commerce. HFA–Studio Co-founder and dedicated muralist Fabian „Fati“ Dankl will collaborate with Julia Presslauer on the Calle Libre 2024 Mural.

Calle Libre 2024

Live Painting 02.09-06.09

Address: Prater, corner of Karl-Kolarik-Weg and Eduard-Lang-Weg

Instagram: @hfa_studio , @juliapresslauer

Website: https://hfa-studio.com/


Mina Hamada & ZOsen BandidO

