
Festival Opening

Superbude Hotel am Prater, 1020 Vienna

At the official opening event of the festival, we are organizing an extensive program for young and old. The section of the street in front of the Superbude Hotel will be closed off, turning it into a space for a street festival. In the afternoon, program activities for younger visitors will begin. Additionally, independent designers and workshops will be invited to present their creations at small stands. Bars and food trucks will provide refreshments. Various local DJs and live music will entertain visitors throughout the day.

Program Highlights:

Kids Area | 16:00-18:00

Chalk Drawing, Craft Corner, Bouncy Castle, XXL Jenga

Superbude Supermarket | 16:00-20:00
Young Designers, Merchandise Booth, Artisanal & Handcrafted Jewelry

Music Area | 16:00-22:00

Artist Talk | 19:00-20:00
Christian Lainer / Superbude
Alexander Nikolai / Head District, Leopoldstadt
Jakob Kattner / Artistic Director Calle Libre
Krystyna Schreiber, Delegate of the Government of Catalonia to Central Europe
Ana Manaia / B-Murals Coordinator
Zosen Bandido / Artist Calle Libre Festival 2024
Dante / Artist Calle Libre Festival 2024
Alex Senna / Artist Calle Libre Festival 2024
Moderation: Miriam Winter

02.09. - 06.09.2024
Live Paintings
09:00-19:00 approx.
various spots , 2nd disctrict of Vienna

Artists and their designated walls:

Jakob der Bruder - Praterstein 5 / Gabor-Steiner-Weg
Mina Hamada & Zosen Bandido - Nordportalstraße 2
Ruin - Schoellerhofgasse 7 / Manes-Sperber-Park
Alex Senna - Vorgartenstraße 158 / Ennsgasse 16
Myers Alan & N U L O - Nordportalstraße 4
Linda Steiner - Vorgartenstraße 160
Nuno Viegas - Engerthstraße 232-238
Julia Presslauer x HFA Studio - Prater - Ecke Karl-Kolarik-Weg & Eduard-Lang-Weg
Dante - Perspektivstraße 5
INO - D2 Welthandelsplatz 1

Come visit various locations in the 2nd district to see artists’ visions emerge and observe the process behind painting a mural.

Also, this year you can win a small prize by collecting stamps into the festival pass that you can get at the walls or our opening party. 

*Please note that artists will be painting at their designated walls from approximately 9am to 7pm. However, they might not be present when you arrive. If you wish to see them in action, be sure to visit each spot multiple times

In our workshop offerings, the focus is on imparting background knowledge, techniques, and methods to the workshop participants. First, the artists will introduce the art form and provide some background information. Following this, the participants will work with the materials and can practically implement their own design ideas and motifs. In the final step, the artists will work together with the participants on a wall surface, teaching them how to use spray cans, brushes, and paint practically.

31.08., 01.09., 04.09., 06.09.2024

31.08. | 17:00-20:00
Stencil Workshop by
Sebastian Schager
Hosted by Lavazza
Perspektivstr. 8, 1020 Wien
Sign up Here.

01.09. | 15:00-18:00

Collective Mural Workshop by Rosa Hirzer
Hosted by Raiffeisen Wien
Eduard-Lang Weg, 1020 Wien
Sign up Here.

04.09. | 16:00-18:00
If shaped could speak with Mina Hamada and Zosen Bandido
Presented by B-Murals and the Delegation of the Government of Catalonia to Central Europe
Nordportalstraße 2, 1020 Wien

06.09. | 15:00-18:00
Spray Workshop with The Happy One by Nature
Hosted by IGERS Austria
Roßauer Lände 23, 1090 Wien

Inner Garden Party with Kids of the Diaspora
Transponder at Superbude Hotel Wien Prater
Perspektivstr. 8, 1020 Wien

The Inner Garden Party is a journey to your true self, your essence, your true identity. Who are we beneath these labels, beyond the isms? The Kids of the Diaspora’s “INNER GARDEN PARTY” is a journey to your true self, your essence, your true identity. Who are we beneath these labels, beyond the isms? It will be a unique and soulful afternoon full of replenishing sensations at Transponder / Superbude. We’ll start with a soul-cleansing sound bowl meditation followed by a guided katathymic imagination to your ‘inner garden’. Then we put our visions on paper during the Sip&Paint Session, giving you an overall outline on how to decode your painting and look for your soul’s messages.
Please be on time as we start our journey at 17:30.
Only a few seats available for this event.

01.09. & 07.09. 2024
Urban Art Guided Tours

During the guided street art tours, participants have the opportunity to experience wall designs live, meet the artists, and gain background knowledge about the motifs and design techniques. On 01.09., we will visit the 6th and 7th districts, where we have painted walls over the past years. On the 07.09., we will be visiting the UN Wall, and the walls that will be painted this year in the 2nd district.

No registration needed; the tour is tip-based.

10:00-12:00 | german
Tour 1070 (Meeting Point: in the main courtyard of the Museumsquartier, 1070 Vienna)

13:00-15:00 | german
Tour 1060 (Meeting Point: Kettenbrückengasse U4 Station )

09:30-11:30 | english

Tour 1020 (Meeting Point: Salztorbrücke, in front of the Mano Mineral Statue)

13:00-15:00 | german
Tour 1220-1200-1020 (Meeting Point: V.I.C Kaisermühlen - UNO CITY)
*For this tour we will be using public transportation, so please make sure to purchase any necessary tickets in advance.

17:00-19:00 | german
Tour 1020 (Meeting Point: Salztorbrücke, in front of the Mano Mineral Statue)

Comm:unity Bike Tour
How to change your city?


Start: 1020 Wien
End: Calle Libre Block Party, Superbude hotel 1020 

The platform "Wir machen Wien" forms a community of 30+ urbanist civil society initiatives that stand up for improvements of their neighborhoods. They drive action and fight for better livability and resilience to the climate crisis by calming the traffic, planting trees and re-organizing the public space. During the tour, you will visit several places in need of change but also examples of successful transformations such as Liebenswerter Czerninplatz, Initiative Volkertgrätzl, Superblock Lichtental — from gray asphalt to green plants and colorful street design!

We invite you to explore community-driven urban initiatives and learn how you can be a part of the positive change in your neighborhood! 

Just bring a bike! Max. 20 participants 

Block Party
Superbude Hotel am Prater, 1020 Vienna

As part of our Block Party, we invite visitors to come together in a relaxed atmosphere. They will have the opportunity to have conversations with the participating artists and exchange ideas in a cozy setting. In the form of a Graffiti Jam, emerging and young artists will be invited to artistically transform the passage between the Superbude Hotel and the Messe Wien parking garage. A music program and live performances by hip-hop artists will complete the day.

Program Highlights:

Music Line Up | 16:00 – 22:00

Graffiti Jam | 16:00 – 22:00
Ludwig Georg von Thurn
Ana Vollwesen

07.09. 2024
Closing Party
23:00 – 04:00

At our spectacular festival finale, we bring together all the artists, the team, volunteers, project partners, and district residents to come together and reflect on the festival week.

Music by Luv Affair