frau isa

Address: Friedrich-Kaiser-Gasse 32, 1160 Vienna
Follow: Website, Instagram

Frau Isa is a Viennese illustrator and artist whose vintage inspired, nostalgia exuding work perfectly represents the dreamy pastel colored city she lives in. Her designs can be seen on pages of magazines, hanging in galleries as well as gracing walls of multistorey buildings.

Portraying whimsical characters in subtle colored, surreal settings is Frau Isas signature style. She is splitting her time between personal work and a creative studio Wald & Schwert she runs with her husband. Next to branding and graphic design, illustration is the main profession of their studio.
Isa’s personal work brought her around the world, so you can spot her super sized murals in Denmark, the Netherlands, the Dominican Republic, on Mauritius, Germany, Great Britain, and many more,…


Daniel Melim

